Friday, February 13, 2009

Alright, I will do it!

For a while, I have been meaning to do an elongated piece on Marriage. Actually, the A-Z of married life is what I had in mind and I even started writing letter A, then I stopped and told myself several reasons why I should not write it including - what qualifies me to write it.

The long and short of my reluctance however, was not really that I felt unqualified (afterall, I am married and I think that is enough qualification because I'll only be sharing my point of view), it really was my personal struggle with 'labels'. I felt that writing the A-Z of married life would brand me and for some reason I didn't want that.

Nonetheless, I keep hearing people's stories about things they struggle with in their marriage and some of what I hear just breaks my heart. I look within myself and know that an A-Z might have helped me on my path with the varied experiences being married has brought me. I am also too aware that many people would read a blog post before they finish a book on relationships so I have decided to stop struggling and simple do it.

I don't know that the words that I intend to use for each alphabet are the best possible ones, they certainly are not the only options but I know this for sure, they will be the words that have been laid on my heart explained in my own way with the single goal of helping to reduce the number of 'pretend-good' marriages.

The A-Z of married life will begin next week.

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