Thursday, January 29, 2009

He will not give us more than we can bear.

It was my normal routine email. I sent it out to friends that had not been in touch in 4weeks or more. I personalised it, making sure I asked the right questions and sent my regards to the right names. I then waited for responses to flood in.

Most of the replies were like what I sent out, pleasantries and a short update of how things were going. One was however, just a sentence: Our baby went to be with the Lord but we are fine.

That whole day I could not answer back. Paralysed as we often are when we hear of tragedies but I knew that I had to get in touch as one should, no matter how sad the news, no matter how engulfed with grief the friend may be, they remember those who get in touch and they value them.

When I finally made the call, we chatted, we laughed, we had that painful throat feeling when the tears refuse to fall. I learnt about the day when the 4month old left. The week that followed I got another email, another sentence: Our baby's short but amazing life.

I still check those emails off and on perhaps I expect it to read differently. When I called back after viewing the pictures, one thing stood out in our conversation " He will not give us more than we can bear."

It made me wonder, how much can anyone bear? I may never get an answer to that question but I know that my friends lives have a pattern once again and those words played a huge part in getting them there.


  1. This is quite interesting. I don't know if anyone knows what she/he can bear really nor do I understand if I agree with that saying

    I know God is merciful and can turn situations around.

    There are so many unbearable situations really (well, may be it was the devil to blame)that we all have to face.

    Nice and thoughtful post

  2. How much can anyone bear?

    Apparently not more than you are given.

    I have a friend who has 3 autistic children and has seperated from her husband. Could I bear that? I don't know. I don't have them. She can not only bear them, she is amazing in her dedication to them. She sees them for what they are: blessings from The Lord. I think because of her attitude, The Lord has given her the grace and fortitude to deal with the situation without losing her sanity.

    Only one of her four children isn't autistic. A sign?

  3. @ Standtall - thanks, like you I struggle with the statement but I have to say I have seen it work for people when they believe it.

    @Nonesuch - indeed, man is able to bear so much

    @ IMHAAR - 'apparently not more than we are given' may very well be that answer I've been searching for. Your friend is courageous and I hail her!
